In the same vein as a Bee’s Knees, the Bebbo is made with gin and honey. Things begin to deviate at the orange juice. While this sounds like it should just be another run of the mill drink, it’s pretty apparent after having one made with fresh orange juice that there’s something special here. Something that would probably be more widely known if not for the completely esoteric and irrelevant name, Bebbo.

The Bebbo reminds me of making a Bee’s Knees with Meyer’s Lemon. A tea like complexity envelops the drink, and has a touch of floral characteristic to it. The gin gives a backbone, that the honey, lemon, and orange build off of. Make no mistake, it’s incredibly bright and somewhat sweet. If you like a Bee’s Knees than the Bebbo deserves a try.
Rich Honey Syrup
While you can make a Bebbo by heating honey to loosen it up, it’s significantly easier to handle as a syrup. To achieve something that’s resistant to bacteria, we combine honey at a 2:1 rate with honey. To make:
- 200 g Honey
- 85 g Water
- 15 g 150+ Proof Neutral Grain Spirit or Vodka (Optional)
Combine water and honey in an 8 oz mason jar and seal. Sous vide at 145 degrees for 2 hr. Remove from the water bath and allow to cool. Once cool, bottle. If desired, add 15 g of 150+ Proof Neutral Grain Spirit or vodka if desired. Shake gently to combine. Refrigerate.
Drink Notes & Recommendations:
The Bebbo is mostly forgotten today, but the addition of fresh orange juice really does give it a little extra something. There aren’t a ton of variations or consensus on this classic, but our recommendations contain some of the lessons learned with this classic.
- Gin – The original choice of gin for this London Dry. Ironically, despite the half ounce of honey, this drink benefits from the natural sweetness of Old Tom Gin. You can make it with London Dry, and it will still be nice, but consider tweaking the honey up a ¼ oz.
- Orange Juice – This is a situation where using fresh orange is critical. Do not use bottled.
- Lemon Juice – Use fresh squeezed as always.
- Rich Honey Syrup – While you can use honey here, we prefer the syrup listed above. As with all syrups, discharge at the first signs of mold or clouding.